Tuesday, May 06, 2008


It's amazing the amount of things that can happen in a 2 month span. Nothing too huge, but the day to day events sure make life exciting! Let's see...Tyler is growing so fast! He is now 6 1/2 months old and changing everyday. When we first moved here he had a big eczema flare up -it's kind of hard to see in this picture, but he was broken out all over his little body.

Luckily we were able to get into the dermatologist and he is doing better.

Tyler also started to eat solid foods. Everytime we sat up to the table to eat or opened a banana he would lunge for it. Since everything was in boxes, we had to improvise...(heaven forbid I go buy anything!) - bumbo for his booster seat, towel for his bib, and mini rubber scraper to feed him. Luckily we had the correct food and he didn't seem to mind!
I know Easter was so long ago, but that landed in the last couple of months as well - Tyler was spoiled by a few Easter Bunnies!

Yet more about my child....he is sitting up on his own really well. It's amazing to me how fast things like that happen. One day he can't do anything but fall over on his head, and two days later his balance is almost perfect. Unless, of course, Tyler is just advanced.

Josh's brother Caleb returned home from his mission to South Africa last week. It's fun to have him back! Tyler is wearing a hat that says "Cape Town" on it. His head is just a little too big for it. :)

Last weekend we were able to go to Utah for some friend's wedding. Congrats Talia and Austin!

And lastly, we are in our home and still trying to get unpacked. It's a lot harder to move with a kid...why didn't someone tell me that? Oh well. Tyler loved helping Josh mow the lawn the other day. He was kicking and jibber jabbering the whole time, it was so cute.
One more picture of Ty and Josh -

Now you are all caught up!


jenhatch said...

ok, no Teri, you can totally see his poor little eczema back... my heart totally broke when I saw that sad little picture... that must have been so sad to see as a Mommy. Hopefully he wasn't itchin and scratchin at it too much. I'm so glad it's gotten better!

And that picture of Josh with Tyler mowing the lawn is just too dang cute!! What a cute Daddy he is!! And I love how kids love all that seemingly boring stuff to us - but they think is the coolest things ever!

Thanks for the update... you're looking way cute yourself... so fun to see you (or at least the pictures of you) being a Mommy. Hope you get settled in okay!

Amy said...

So nice to have an update on your little family! Who could blame you with all the many things happening in your life right now. Tyler is getting so big. It was interesting to see that rash, Owen had one that look exactly like that a few weeks ago. We had no idea what caused it and it hasn't come back thankfully. Not fun! I love that last pic of Josh and Tyler in their shades!

JANEAL said...

Sounds like you've been busy lately. Tyson already went to Boise for the month of May so now I'll have to wait until next month...Sorry! I can't believe how bad Tylers back was...when you told me I didn't think it was that bad. Tell Josh that he will never be mowing the lawn alone again!! That is one of Carter's favorite things to do with Tyson. It's good to hear from you....call me sometime!

Liz said...

I was so glad to see pics of your cute little family! I love your mommy improv at eating time. Seriously, moms are so smart! Hope you get unpacked soon!!

Cameron Family said...

Looks like things are finally settling down and going well! Tyler is getting big and is so cute! Hey I set my blog to private. Just email me at this email with your email address and I will add you if you like. :)

The Benches said...

I love the update! Tyler is so cute! I think we aare coming to Boise later this month...so we need to play!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Wow Teri, he is so big now. Crazy that he is 6 1/2 months already. Love the updated pictures, I will be looking for more. Did I already give you my email to send me your address so I can invite you to our now private blog?? Its haypotter300@yahoo.com if not...

Nate and Lana Hope said...

So glad you are updating your blog again! Tyler is soooo cute! I love the eating pic and mowing the lawn with Josh! If you need a date or a break from packing let me know! We'd love to have Tyler over, and all ya all!

J and J Bowen said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. As for Eczema...I know it well my husband and kid!!! enjoy your kid and your new home!!! I'm glad you are doing well!!!

keva said...

Teri Kay!!!! Hi! How are you? It has been way to long since we have seen or talked to eachother! Your little boy is so adorable and I love that he looks like your family! How fun! Well, it was sooo good to at least see pics. of you and your cute lil family! Take care! love, Keva Lynn :)

keva said...

Teri Kay!!!! Hi! How are you? It has been way to long since we have seen or talked to eachother! Your little boy is so adorable and I love that he looks like your family! How fun! Well, it was sooo good to at least see pics. of you and your cute lil family! Take care! love, Keva Lynn :)