Monday, May 26, 2008

See Josh Run

Not too much has happened the last few weeks. We are still working on getting our house put together. For some reason it takes a little bit longer with a kid. I figured since I was at home all the time I'd have it up and running in no time but....I guess I was wrong. I think people just have this whole motherhood thing figured out way faster than I do or something. If you have any suggestions I am so open to them!

Anyways, here are a few pictures of what we've done. Josh ran in the Famous Idaho Potato Marathon a week ago. He ran the 10k and I am so proud of him! We are looking forward to doing a few of these this summer. Since I've never been much of a runner I think I will start with the run/walk?

Tyler loves watermelon and has just figured out how to pick it up and feed himself. Such a big boy in his new highchair too!

Just hanging out watching dad work in the yard. For the record, the glasses and hat lasted about 5 minutes!


JANEAL said...

Tyler is so cute! Love him in the sunglasses and hat...they never seem to want to wear them. Good luck with the running thing.

Brittani said...

Good luck with running! Where did you get Tyler's super cute sunglasses? I want to get some for Mara. I can't believe how grown up he already is! Sitting in his highchair. Too cute!

The Robinson Family said...

So fun to see you and your darling family. You and Josh have accomplished a lot the last few years. Congrats on the new little guy. He is so cute! Wish you the best. Keep in touch. Jamie

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Hey! There is a really awesome 10k/5k/fun run the proceeds go toward Adventure Island (the special needs park) It's right at Settlers park. The trail is kind of weird cuz you run right along some of the roads, in fact I think some of Linder Road, but for a good cause right!? :) The run is on June 28th and registaration is going on now. phone-888-3579
on line-
We have done it the last two years, but withthe baby coming, maybe we'll skip or just have Nate and Trenton do it. Trenton ran a 5k in 32min last year! Not bad for a little chap! Didn't know you guys want to do stuff like this! It will be so fun!

Ciara Slider said...

Good job Josh on the marathon! i wish i could be that dedicated! tyler is getting so big! i love the picture with the hat and sun glasses!