Monday, April 14, 2008


Well we finally signed on a house! After a whole 2 weeks of looking at the 6000 homes that are for sale in Boise, we decided on 1. We actually didn't even get to all of them, but we were pretty burned out and just wanted to get out of boxes and get on with being settled in our new place. It's not the house that we have always dreamed of, but it is ours and we will make it a home! :) So, after we are moved in and get our computer out of a box, I will post pictures again!


JANEAL said...

Hey stranger!!It's good to see that you really are alive and well :) Hopefully I'll see you next month.

Liz said...

Congrats! I was actually wondering if you guys made it there alive you haven't posted forever! Have fun moving into a new house...hopefully for longer this time!

Cameron Family said...

Congrats! I am glad that you guys found something and that you are finally posting again! :)

Kim said...

Awesome! I've been checking your blog now and then wondering if you'd made it into a house yet...i bet it feels good to have your own place again.

simplycreating said...

Now that you guys are in Boise we have to get together soon. I'm so glad all is going well for you.

The Benches said...

Congrats on the new house! I can't wait to see it when we come to Boise! We miss you and can't wait to see a picture of how much baby Tyler has grown since we last saw him!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Cant wait to see new pictures. I foudn your address again!

Ciara Slider said...

congrats on finally finding a place to call home! i hope you don't go to crazy moving into the new place. post some pictures up so we can see the place!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Hey Harris fam, we decided to go private so email us your address and we will send yo uan invite. Hope all is well!