Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And I Thought I'd Be Bored!

This last month has been quite busy for us as I'm sure it is for everyone this time of year. Tyler has had a lot of firsts. Mainly his first road trip and first holiday. I really wish I could say he has had his first full night of sleep or his first day of no crying...wait, does that ever happen? Oh well. :)

Josh's Grandpa Stockham from Wendell, ID passed away on November 13th, so we made a road trip for the funeral. He was a great man and will surely be missed. Here is a picture of Ty with Great Grandma Stockham.
The following week was Thanksgiving and we traveled to Pocatello. We have so much to be thankful for! It was great to get together with family and friends - we love the holidays. Here is a picture with Great Grandma and Grandpa Hill and Great-Great Aunt Ida.

The last of our month was spent with even more family as we gathered for Tyler's baby blessing. It is so great to have the support of such wonderful families! Thank you all so much who traveled and participated in this event with us!
Tyler is wondering what kind of a smile Josh is giving. He actually looks a little bit sleepy. Hmmm...I know it wasn't him who got up to feed the baby twice that night!

Group shot in our clubhouse.
Here are just a couple of fun pics. Playing with dad and being annoyed with me for photo shoots!
Watching ESPN with Josh. We got to get him started early.
Check out that head control!
Tyler and Maddox Brooks


The Benches said...

Cutest baby ever! Can't wait to meet him on Friday... :)

Amy said...

I love the new pics of Tyler. I love the one of him balancing on Josh's hand. Glad you were able to have an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear about Josh's grandpa. It is however a good excuse to be with family.

The Jones Family said...

Teri, you look amazing! What a cute little boy you have. Way to go with the ESPN Josh. You've got to teach them when they are young.

Andy & Angie Wycherly said...

wow, it's amazing how having a baby can affect your blogging frequency. Tyler is a doll! ps. I think I sent you christmas card to your old address. Hope you get it!