Sunday, October 23, 2011

Loving Fall!

We have had such a nice warm couple of months.  I am really not looking forward to it getting cold.  This was just a month ago.  The last day we were able to get the pool out.
These two have so much fun!
 Josh turned 33!  Yikes!
 Tyler "won" a Tae Kwan Do class.  He was totally not interested...but at least he got a cool uniform!
 Tanner's favorite thing to do right now.  Dump EVERYTHING!  I was going through Halloween stuff and somehow he dumped the entire box of Cheerios on the ground...and then thought he was really funny throwing them.  Such a BUSY boy!
 The boys continue to pick and eat tomatoes like candy.
 Tanner will sit himself down in the tomato plants and go to town.  Red, green, rotten...he doesn't care.
 He loves to get all of my hair bands and put them on like necklaces.  I think he has every single one on.

1 comment:

Craig and Sara said...

Oh my cuteness!!!! I am loving your pics! I miss you friend!